Bwilliamson's Blog

Magento 2 Data Patches

Data Patches; They’re awesome. Before 2.3, Magento used Install and Upgrade scripts to modify your schema, and other things. This has been deprecated in favor of a much easier (I think) declaratio...

Transfer Exchange message tracking logs to Mysql with Talend Open Studio

In short, we are pushing a csv into a database on a schedule using Talend Open Studio as our ETL tool. For this post though, we’re getting specific with exchange tracking logs, as this was a fun t...

Extract Exchange message tracking logs with powershell

Exchange makes it kind of difficult to do complicated reporting without third party tools. This post will show how to extract the message logs useful data. For the purpose of this post, we are not...

Installing a Godaddy SSL certificate on Exchange 2013

You may or may not be surprised at how many people are still using Exchange 2013. They still need SSL like every other public facing service, so here’s how to do that. In this situation we are ass...

Renewing a RDS/RDG SSL certificate with Godaddy SSL

This is a quick walkthrough on how to do this. This was written for Windows server 2012R2, but should still be applicable to 2016 and 2019 as well. This is specifically for an RDG (Remote Desktop G...

Magento 2 Time Savers

We all get tired of WET coding (Writing everything twice). Here are some excerpts from my ~/.zshrc which save me a lot of time. These are specific to Magento development via CLI, mostly. General ...

Profiles, Bashrc, and Zshrc

Let’s talk about profiles. Something I don’t see used often enough is profiles. Sysadmins, Support, and even Developers/Engineers that I’ve worked with would give me a raised eyebrow when I would ...