Bwilliamson's Blog

Disabling 2FA in local Magento 2 development

There seems to be some confusion around how to disable 2FA in a local Magento 2 environment, or, more specifically, how difficult it is. It’s just one command I’m not sure why modules out there ex...

DDEV Bash Aliases

Do you have your aliases set up in your DDEV project? You should! Here’s a quick guide to setting up some useful aliases for your DDEV projects. Create the file In your DDEV project, in the .ddev ...

Breaking changes from n8n v1.0+

If you’re like me and use n8nio/n8n:latest in a dockerfile - you probably know this already. I broke it I was lazy, and didn’t update my primary n8n.io instance until this morning. To all those t...

Magento 2 REST API with n8n

The generic HTTP node, M2 API authentication, and some tips. Table of Contents Overview Understanding the HTTP Node in n8n Using the HTTP node with an API Using the HTTP no...

Scrape FB and IG with n8n

And copy, store, and present the data! Table of Contents Intro and Overview What is this thing? API and Token Requirements for the Facebook Graph API Scope ...

DDEV setup for Magento 2 local development

Configured for Varnish, RabbitMQ, and Cron. An overview of starting a DDEV project, and also using an existing one, that I am sharing. Table of Contents Intro What even is DDEV ...

Intro to n8n.io

Table of Contents Introduction to n8n.io What is n8n.io? Key Features of n8n.io Visual Workflow Editor Extensive Node Library Code in wor...

How to Extend Craft CMS html purifier with html5 elements

TLDR To extend the out of the box htmlpurifier element definitions, use a custom module (Follow this official guide to get a empty module quickly), and tap into the event EVENT_MODIFY_PURIFIER_CON...

Persist n8n community nodes on docker through updates (UPDATED 04-30)

TLDR n8n via an App service, using a Docker image, will lose community nodes every rebuild. We can “persist” these custom packages by using a Dockerfile as our App service context rather than the ...

Extract GraphQL calls from a browser for debug in Postman

TLDR: You can right-click->copy as curl right from devtools, and paste into postman for on the spot debugging! For this all you need is a browser with devtools, Postman, and a GraphQL call....